Linker kit Base Shield for Raspberry Pi B+/2B/3 with ADC Interface V3.1
Based on 3.0 version, we add some interface and use MCP3008 in stead of MCP3004, 4-channel ADC update to 8-channel ADC
1x UART connector (UART)
1x I2C connector (I2C)
12 x Digital connector (D1~D12)
4x analog connector (ADC1~ADC4)
Enable SPI:
MCP3008 use SPI interface for communication, so we need to start SPI kernel module. In the previous OS we need enable SPI in /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf. But now we can enable SPI at raspi-config, also include I2C.
$sudo raspi-config
Choose:8. Advanced Options
Choose:A6 SPI, Enable SPI
Reboot Raspberry Pi, then input
We can find SPI is enabled
Next, we install libraries:
$Sudo apt-get update
$sudo apt-get install python-imaging python-imaging-tk python-pip python-dev git
$sudo pip install spidev
$sudo pip install wiringpi
Test Code(print 8 ADC channels value):
import spidev import time
Vref = 3.3 #ADC_Vref = Voltage Switch 3.3V / 5V
- A0 = 0, A1 = 1, A2 = 2, A3 =3
adc0 = 0 adc1 = 1 adc2 = 2 adc3 = 3 adc4 = 4 adc5 = 5 adc6 = 6 adc7 = 7
spi = spidev.SpiDev(),0)
def readadc(adcnum):
- read SPI data from MCP3008 chip, 8 possible adc's (0 thru 7)
if adcnum > 7 or adcnum < 0: return -1 r = spi.xfer2([1,(8+adcnum)<<4,0]) adcout = ((r[1] &3) <<8)+r[2] return adcout
while True: value = readadc(adc0) volts = (value * Vref) / 1024 print("ADC%ld = %5.3f V" % (adc0,volts) )
value = readadc(adc1) volts = (value * Vref) / 1024 print("ADC%ld = %5.3f V"% (adc1,volts) )
value = readadc(adc2) volts = (value * Vref) / 1024 print("ADC%ld = %5.3f V" % (adc2,volts) )
value = readadc(adc3) volts = (value * Vref) / 1024 print("ADC%ld = %5.3f V"% (adc3,volts) )
value = readadc(adc4) volts = (value * Vref) / 1024 print("ADC%ld = %5.3f V" % (adc4,volts) )
value = readadc(adc5) volts = (value * Vref) / 1024 print("ADC%ld = %5.3f V"% (adc5,volts) )
value = readadc(adc6) volts = (value * Vref) / 1024 print("ADC%ld = %5.3f V" % (adc6,volts) )
value = readadc(adc7) volts = (value * Vref) / 1024 print("ADC%ld = %5.3f V"% (adc7,volts) )
print("-------------------------") time.sleep(0.5)