3G + GPS Shield for Arduino
The new 3G shield for Arduino enables the connectivity to high speed WCDMA and HSPA cellular networks in order to make possible the creation of the next level of worldwide interactivity projects inside the new "Internet of Things" era.
The module counts also with an internal GPS what enables the location of the device outdoors and indoors combining standard NMEA frames with mobile cell ID triangulation using both assisted-mobile (A-GPS) and mobile-based (S-GPS) modes.
Other interesting accessories which can be connected to the module are a video camera which enables the record of video in high resolution (640x480), an audio kit including microphone, speaker, hands free and headphones sets and a SD socket to save directly all the data coming from the 3G network or recorded from the video camera. You can even reproduce audio files stored in the SD card (like a mp3 player!).
You can also use it as a standard 3G modem at full speed (~7.2Mbps download, ~5.5Mbps upload) just connecting it through its specific mini-USB socket to your laptop (Linux, Windows, MacOS).
The new communicating module is specially oriented to work with Internet servers implementing internally several application layer protocols which make easier to send the information to the cloud. We can make HTTP and HTTPS (secure mode) navigation, downloading and uploading content to a web server. In the same way FTP and FTPS (secure mode) protocols are also available which is really useful when your application requires handling files. You can even send and receive mails directly from Arduino using the SMTP and POP3 clients implemented internally.
With the SD Card socket so you can handle a complete FAT16 file systems and store up to 32GB of information. This specially useful as the 3G module can work at full speed (~7.2Mbps download, ~5.5Mbps upload) when working with the SD files directly without need of Arduino for data or files management.
The GPS module also makes possible perform geolocation services even in indoors as it can work in A-GPS and S-GPS modes, so the location given by the GPS through NMEA sentences is completed with the cell information provided by both the 3G module and external Internet Geoposition Servers which helps you to get the most accurate location in each case.
- WCDMA and HSPA 3G networks compatibility
- Internal GPS for Assisted A-GPS and Supported S-GPS modes
- Video Camera (640x480) for video and photo recordings available
- Audio Kit including microphone, speaker, hands free and headphones available
- SD file system up to 32GB
- Works as a standard 3G modem in Linux/Windows/MacOS (~7.2Mbps download, ~5.5Mbps upload)
- Talk directly to web servers by HTTP/HTTPS (secure)
- Upload and download files directly by FTP/FTPS (secure)
- Send and receive mails by POP3/SMTP
- Play compressed audio files
SIM5218 has 3 UFL connectors. Two for diversity of 3G mobile carriers and one for GPS antenna. The impedance of the RF interface is 50Ω. It is recommended use just the "main" antenna socket for the mobile connection unless you experience coverage or performance problems. In this case two antennas allowing diversity may be placed.
Also, the module allows to solder the antenna to the pad, or attach it via contact springs.
3G module connected with Arduino allows downlinks rates over 115200 bauds (~11.5KBps), the maximum UART's speed and uplinks rates over 30000 bauds (~3KBps).
Using the module as 3G USB modem we got speeds of 2Mbps (~222KBps) for downlink and 0.7Mbps (~77KBps) for uplink and.
The connection speed may vary depending on the state of the network, the quality of the signal and the carrier.
Using 3G module with AT commands
Important issues:
- Use capital letters for AT commands.
- Send CR (Carriage return) and LF (Line feed) after the AT command.
- Place the serial communication jumpers in the right position.
- Use an external power supply and place the power jumpers in the right position. If the shield is powered from the Arduino, the power jumper must be in Arduino 5V position. If the shield is powered from the Vin input (in the shield), the power jumper must be in Vext position.
The first thing we are going to do with the module is to connect the module to a PC directly (using an Arduino as gateway) and check the basic AT commands. In this case, serial communication jumpers have to be set on USB gateway position.
Remember take out the ATmega microcontroller from the Arduino gateway.
Basic configuration:
Connect the shield to the Arduino gateway.
Then connect the SIM card and the USB cable.
Finally plug the USB cable to the computer and open a serial port terminal to communicate via the usb port (e.g: hyperterminal (win), cutecom / gtkterm (linux)).
If you use the Arduino IDE serial monitor for sending AT commands – Be sure that you are sending CR (Carriage return) and LF (Line Feed).
Set the baudrate to 115200 bps and open the serial port, then press the ON button for two seconds. Then if you type AT you'll get OK, this means that the communication with the module is working fine. Now, with the module working you can check some AT commands to control the module, the basic commands are:
Important type commands in capital letters and with CR (carriage return) and LF (line feed)!!!
Command | Respone | Description |
AT | OK | If you get OK, the communication with the module is working |
AT+CPIN="****" | OK | If the SIM card is locked with PIN (**** is the pin number) |
AT+COPS? | Operator information |
NOTE: If your 3G module doesn't answer to AT commands, maybe it is configured in a different baudrate. The command for change it temporally is AT+IPR. Try differents baudrates (300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800,921600, 3200000,3686400,4000000 ) until you get to communicate. Once you can communicate, you can configure it in the baudrate you want.
Using 3G module like a modem
If you want to use the 3G module such a modem, please refer to the next link:
Audio Features
SIM5218 module provides two analogy inputs for microphone and three analogy outputs for two speakers and headphones. Depending of the selected audio channel (normal, headset and hands-free) a specific input and output are activated. The different channels are selected with the command AT+CSDVC.
Normal channel (AT+CSDVC=1) uses the main microphone and a speaker. Headset channel (AT+CSDVC=2) uses the jack connector. Hand-free channel (AT+CSDVC=3) uses the main microphone and the loudspeaker.
Both microphones don't need an external power source because they are powered directly by the module. You can use some extra commands in your codes like noise suppression, echo canceller or the gain of the mic amps. Please, refer to the AT command document list at the end of this article for more information.
Audio Connectors
Audio connectors are situated at the bottom of the board. The two speakers and the main microphone are connected to board using pin connectors.
Headset connector are situated at the bottom too, between Arduino board and 3G board.
This connector has 4 terminals that correspond with the positive terminal of the microphone, left and rigth headphones and common ground. The order of connections show below.
Originating and receiving voice calls
The code example and the connection diagram shown below are used to originate a voice call and, pushing a button, end that voice call. The button is connected between digital pin 12 an ground. A 10kΩ pull-up resistor is needed at this pin.
<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
int led = 13;
int button = 12;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
int timesToSend = 1; // Numbers of calls to make
char phone_number[]="*********"; // ********* is the number to call
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(button, INPUT); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i=0;i < 5;i++){ delay(5000); }
void loop(){
while (count < timesToSend){
for(int x=0;x < 9;x++){ //generates the tones of the phone number Serial.print("AT+CPTONE="); Serial.println(phone_number[x]); delay(400); }
Serial.print("ATD"); Serial.print(phone_number); Serial.println(";");
Serial.println("AT+CHUP"); // disconnects the existing call
count++; }
To make a lost call next code is used.
<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
int timesToSend = 1; // Numbers of calls to make int count = 0; int tones = 2; //Each tone has a duration of 6 seconds aprox.
char phone_number[]="*********"; // ********* is the number to call
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i=0;i < 5;i++){ delay(5000); }
void loop(){
while (count < timesToSend){ delay(1500); for(int x=0;x < 9;x++){ //generates the tones of the phone number Serial.print("AT+CPTONE="); Serial.println(phone_number[x]); delay(400); }
Serial.print("ATD"); Serial.print(phone_number); Serial.println(";"); delay(6000*tones); Serial.println("AT+CHUP"); // cancel the call
count++; }
} </syntaxhighlight>
To receive calls the used code are this and the connection diagram is the same that the used to originate calls. Don't forget the pull-up resistor on pin 12.
<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
int led = 13;
int button = 12;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
int timesToSend = 1; // Numbers of calls to make
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
boolean check_response(char *str){
int i = 0; int j = 0; char b[10];
// reading the message and cutting // initials and finals while(Serial.available() > 0){ if(j==0 || j==1){ Serial.read(); j++; } else if( Serial.peek() == 13 ){ b[i] = 0; Serial.read(); } else if( Serial.peek() == 10 ){ Serial.read(); } else { b[i++] = Serial.read(); } }
// comparing int cont=0; int cont2=0; boolean ok=false; while(b[cont]!=-1){ if (b[cont]==str[cont2]){ while(str[cont2]!=-1){ if (b[cont+cont2]!=b[cont2]) { cont2++; ok=true; } else { ok=false; break; } } } if (ok) break; cont++; }
if(ok){ return true; } return false;
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(button, INPUT); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i=0;i < 5;i++){ delay(5000); }
void loop(){
while(!check_response("RING")); //waits for a call Serial.println("ATA"); //answers an incoming call delay(10000); while(digitalRead(button)==1);
Serial.println("AT+CHUP"); // disconnects the existing call
} </syntaxhighlight>
The channel may be changed during a call. Use the command AT+CSDVC to select the channel that you want.
Recording and playing sound
With the next code we can record a sound, stores it and before play it. You can select the place to store the sound clip: the local storage or a SD card. Once saved the sound can be sent to an FTP or FTPS as you'll see later.
<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
int x = 0;
char name[20];
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
for(x=0;x < 20;x++){ name[x]='\0'; }
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i=0;i < 5;i++){ delay(5000); } Serial.println("AT+FSLOCA=0"); // store media files to local storage space, put 1 to store media files to storage card while(Serial.read()!='K'); Serial.println("AT+CNSM=1"); // Enables noise supression while(Serial.read()!='K');
void loop(){
//RECORDING A SOUND CLIP delay(1500); while(Serial.available()!=0){ Serial.read(); } Serial.println("AT+CQCPREC=0,amr"); // starts to record a sound clip Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='/'); while(Serial.read()!='/');
x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); name[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(x < 19);
while(Serial.read()!='K'); Serial.println(name); delay(10000);
Serial.println("AT+CQCPPAUSE"); // pauses record sound while(Serial.read()!='K'); delay(2000);
Serial.println("AT+CQCPRESUME"); // resumes record sound while(Serial.read()!='K'); delay(10000);
Serial.println("AT+CQCPSTOP"); // stops to record a sound clip while(Serial.read()!='K');
//PLAY A SOUND CLIP Serial.println("AT+FSCD=Audio"); Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='K');
Serial.print("AT+CCMXPLAY=\""); //plays an audio file Serial.print(name); Serial.println("\""); Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='K'); delay(7000);
Serial.println("AT+CCMXPAUSE"); // pauses playing audio file while(Serial.read()!='K'); delay(2000);
Serial.println("AT+CCMXRESUME"); // resumes playing audio file while(Serial.read()!='K'); delay(8000);
Serial.println("AT+CCMXSTOP"); // Stops playing audio file while(Serial.read()!='K');
} </syntaxhighlight>
Also, you can use the 3G module like a mp3 player! First, you must save your music in mp3, amr or qcp format. You can use Audacity (linux) or Mobile Media Converter (Windows or Linux) to do this. Then, save the music in the Audio folder on microSD card. Now, put microSD card into the shield and enjoy the music!
NOTE: You will need to update your firmware to play mp3. The update is available here. Uncompress and run it in a PC with Windows (emulated Windows not supported).
A voice call can be recorded using these same commands too.
Command summary
Command | Response | Description |
AT+CPTONE=** | OK | Plays a DTMF tone or complex tone on local voice channel device . ** is the number of the tone. |
ATD*********; | ********* is the number to call. | |
ATA | OK | Answer an incoming call. |
AT+CHUP | OK | Cancel voice calls. |
AT+CNSM | OK | Enable/disable noise suppression. |
AT+CQCPREC=*,&&& | Starts recording sound clips . Answers with the path and the name of the clip. * is the path and &&& is the format. | |
AT+CQCPPAUSE | OK | Pauses record sound. |
AT+CQCPRESUME | OK | Resumes record sound. |
AT+CQCPSTOP | OK | Stops record sound. |
AT+CCMXPLAY=”*****” | OK | Plays an audio file . ***** is the name of the file. |
AT+CCMXPAUSE | OK | Pauses playing audio file. |
AT+CCMXRESUME | OK | Resumes playing audio file. |
AT+CCMXSTOP | OK | Stops playing audio file. |
Pin nº | Name | Pin nº | Name | Pin nº | Name |
1 | NC | 9 | HSYNC | 17 | PCLK |
2 | AGND | 10 | DVDD | 18 | DATA6 |
3 | SDA | 11 | DOVDD | 19 | DATA2 |
4 | AVDD | 12 | DATA9 | 20 | DATA5 |
5 | SCL | 13 | MCLK | 21 | DATA3 |
6 | RESET | 14 | DATA8 | 22 | DATA22 |
7 | VSYNC | 15 | AGND | 23 | DATA1 |
8 | PWDN | 16 | DATA7 | 24 | DATA0 |
Mounting the camera
Follow these simple steps to mount the camera into the 3G Arduino board.
- The first step is to open the socket. To do this, pull carefully out the sides of the connector.
- Inserts the camera with metallic contacts facing up
- At the final step, push in the laterals of the connector
Vedio Recording
To record video, and take images, you must start the camera in the first step. After you can configure some parameters like resolution, fps, rotation or zoom. The next code allows to record a video file in mp4 format. Remember, if you want to store the video file in a SD card, you must to use AT+FSLOCA command.
<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
int x = 0;
char name[20];
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); //UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i=0;i < 5;i++){ delay(5000); }
Serial.println("AT+CCAMS"); //starts the camera while(Serial.read()!='K');
Serial.println("AT+CCAMSETD=320,240"); //sets QVGA (320*240) resolution while(Serial.read()!='K');
Serial.println("AT+CCAMSETF=2"); //sets 15 frames per second while(Serial.read()!='K');
void loop(){
delay(1500); while(Serial.available()!=0){ Serial.read(); } Serial.println("AT+CCAMRS"); //starts to record a video Serial.flush(); //video is saved into C:/Video while(Serial.read()!='/'); while(Serial.read()!='/');
x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); name[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(x < 19);
while(Serial.read()!='K'); Serial.println(name); delay(10000);
Serial.println("AT+CCAMRP"); // pauses record while(Serial.read()!='K'); delay(2000);
Serial.println("AT+CCAMRR"); // resumes record while(Serial.read()!='K'); delay(10000);
Serial.println("AT+CCAMRE"); // stops to record while(Serial.read()!='K');
Serial.println("AT+CCAME"); // stops the camera while(Serial.read()!='K');
} </syntaxhighlight>
Taking Photo
Take photos is very easy, here is the example code:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
int x = 0;
char name[20];
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i=0;i < 5;i++){ delay(5000); }
Serial.println("AT+CCAMS"); //starts the camera while(Serial.read()!='K');
Serial.println("AT+CCAMSETD=640,480"); //sets VGA (640*480) resolution while(Serial.read()!='K'); Serial.println("AT+FSLOCA=0"); //stores the image file in the 3G module while(Serial.read()!='K');
void loop(){
delay(1500); while(Serial.available()!=0){ Serial.read(); } Serial.println("AT+CCAMTP"); //takes a picture, but not saved it while(Serial.read()!='K');
Serial.println("AT+CCAMEP"); // saves the picture into C:/Picture Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='/'); while(Serial.read()!='/');
x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); name[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(x < 19);
while(Serial.read()!='K'); Serial.println(name);
Serial.println("AT+CCAME"); // stops the camera while(Serial.read()!='K');
} </syntaxhighlight>
Video Call
The SIM5218 allows video calls, but to carry them out correctly the operator and the network must be able to allow it. The example code is below. Cooking Hacks not ensure that the video call functions correctly.
<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
char phone_number[]="*********"; // ********* is the number to call
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); //UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i=0;i< 5;i++){ delay(5000); }
Serial.println("AT+CCAMS"); //starts the camera while(Serial.read()!='K');
Serial.println("AT+CCAMSETD=320,240"); //sets QVGA (320*240) resolution while(Serial.read()!='K');
Serial.println("AT+CCAMSETF=2"); //sets 15 frames per seconds while(Serial.read()!='K');
void loop(){
while(Serial.available()!=0){ Serial.read(); }
Serial.print("AT+VPMAKE="); //inits a videocall Serial.println(phone_number); delay(30000);
Serial.println("AT+VPEND"); // ends the videocall while(Serial.read()!='K');
Serial.println("AT+CCAME"); // stops the camera while(Serial.read()!='K');
} </syntaxhighlight>
Command Summary
Command | Response | Description |
AT+CCAMS | OK | Starts camera. |
AT+CCAME | OK | Stops camera. |
AT+CCAMSETD=xxx,yyy | OK | Sets dimension of camera. xxx is the width and yyy is the height. |
AT+CCAMSETF=* | OK | Sets the frames per second. * is the frame rate option. |
AT+CCAMRS | OK | Starts video recording . Also responds with the path and name of the file. |
AT+CCAMRP | OK | Pauses the record. |
AT+CCAMRR | OK | Resumes video record. |
AT+CCAMRE | OK | Stops video record. |
AT+CCAMTP | OK | Takes a picture. |
AT+CCAMEP | OK | Saves a picture taken by last AT+CCAMTP. Also responds with the path and name of the file. |
AT+VPMAKE | Makes a video call. | |
AT+VPEND | Ends a video call. |
SIM5218 supports both A-GPS and S-GPS and provides three operating modes: mobile-assisted mode, mobile-based mode and standalone mode. A-GPS is include mobile-assisted and mobile-based mode.
In mobile-assisted mode, when a request for position location is issued, available network information is provided to the location server (e.g., Cell-ID) and assistance is requested from the location server. The location server sends the assistance information to the handset. The handset/mobile unit measures the GPS observables and provides the GPS measurements along with available network data (that is appropriate for the given air interface technology) to the location server. The location server then calculates the position location and returns results to the requesting entity.
In mobile-based mode, the assistance data provided by the location server encompasses not only the information required to assist the handset in measuring the satellite signals, but also the information required to calculate the handset’s position. Therefore, rather than provide the GPS measurements and available network data back to the location server, the mobile calculates the location on the handset and passes the result to the requesting entity.
In standalone (autonomous) mode, the handset demodulates the data directly from the GPS satellites. This mode has some reduced cold-start sensitivity, and a longer time to first fix as compared to the assisted modes. However, it requires no server interaction and works out of network coverage.
This combination of GPS measurements and available network information provides:
- High-sensitivity solution that works in all terrains: indoor, outdoor, urban, and rural
- High availability that is enabled by using both satellite and network information
Therefore, while network solutions typically perform poorly in rural areas and areas of poor cell geometry/density, and while unassisted, GPS-only solutions typically perform poorly indoors, the SIM5218 GPS solution provides optimal time to fix, accuracy, sensitivity, availability, and reduced network utilization in both of these environments, depending on the given condition.
Stand-alone mode
In this mode, the GPS obtains position, altitude,... with only the signal of the satellites, making it the slowest of the three modes. If you use the AT+CGPSINFO command, the module bring directly latitud, logitude, date, UTC time, altitude and speed. Here is the example code:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
char data[255]; char latitude[11],longitude[12]; char date[6],UTC_time[8]; char speed_OG[6],altitude[6];
int x,y;
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i=0;i< 5;i++){ delay(5000); }
Serial.println("AT+CGPS=1,1"); // starts GPS session in stand-alone mode delay(100);
void loop(){
delay(5000); Serial.println("AT+CGPSINFO"); // request GPS info Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ do{ digitalWrite(led,HIGH); } while(Serial.available()==0); digitalWrite(led,LOW); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; } while(Serial.read()!='K');
x=24; y=0; if(data[x]!=','){ Serial.print("Latitude: "); //shows actual latitude do{ latitude[y]=data[x]; Serial.print(data[x]); y++; x++; } while(data[x]!=','); x++; Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(data[x]); //north or south
x+=2; y=0; Serial.print("Longitude: "); //shows actual longitude do{ longitude[y]=data[x]; Serial.print(data[x]); y++; x++; } while(data[x]!=','); x++; Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(data[x]); //west or east
x+=2; y=0; Serial.print("Date: "); //shows date do{ date[y]=data[x]; Serial.print(data[x]); y++; x++; } while(data[x]!=','); x++;
y=0; Serial.print("\r\nUTC time: "); //shows UTC time do{ UTC_time[y]=data[x]; Serial.print(data[x]); y++; x++; } while(data[x]!=','); x++;
y=0; Serial.print("\r\nAltitude: "); //shows altitude do{ UTC_time[y]=data[x]; Serial.print(data[x]); y++; x++; } while(data[x]!=','); Serial.println(" m"); x++;
y=0; Serial.print("Speed: "); //shows speed do{ speed_OG[y]=data[x]; Serial.print(data[x]); y++; x++; } while(data[x]!=0x0D); Serial.println(" knots"); } else{ Serial.println("GPS information not available, please wait..."); }
} </syntaxhighlight>
If you want to get the NMEA sentences, you must to use the command AT+CGPSSWITCH=1 and configure the UART port at 57600 bauds. Supported NMEA sentences include GSV, GGA, RMC, GSA, and VTG.
S-GPS Mode
For the S-GPS the module connects to a GPS server and the module calculates the position. Here is the example code:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
char data[255]; char latitude[11],longitude[12]; char date[6],UTC_time[8]; char speed_OG[6],altitude[6];
int x,y;
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i=0;i< 5;i++){ delay(5000); }
Serial.println("AT+CGSOCKCONT=1,\"IP\",\"myapn\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); response[x]=Serial.read(); x++; } while(!check_response("OK"));
Serial.println("AT+CGPSURL=\"supl.google.com:7276\""); // sets GPS server delay(100); while(Serial.read()!='K');
Serial.println("AT+CGPSSSL=0"); // without certificate delay(100); while(Serial.read()!='K');
Serial.println("AT+CGPS=1,2"); // starts GPS session in based mode delay(100); while(Serial.read()!='K');
void loop(){
delay(5000); Serial.println("AT+CGPSINFO"); // request GPS info Serial.flush(); for (x=0;x< 255;x++){ data[x]='\0'; } x=0; do{ do{ digitalWrite(led,HIGH); } while(Serial.available()==0); digitalWrite(led,LOW); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; } while(Serial.read()!='K');
x=24; y=0; if(data[x]!=','){ Serial.print("Latitude: "); //shows actual latitude do{ latitude[y]=data[x]; Serial.print(data[x]); y++; x++; if(y==2){ Serial.print(0xF8); }
if(y==4){ Serial.print("."); } } while(data[x]!=','); x++; Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(data[x]); //north or south
x+=2; y=0; Serial.print("Longitude: "); //shows actual longitude do{ longitude[y]=data[x]; Serial.print(data[x]); y++; x++; if(y==3){ Serial.print(0xF8); }
if(y==5){ Serial.print("."); } } while(data[x]!=','); x++; Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(data[x]); //west or east
x+=2; y=0; Serial.print("Date: "); //shows date do{ date[y]=data[x]; Serial.print(data[x]); y++; x++; } while(data[x]!=','); x++;
y=0; Serial.print("\r\nUTC time: "); //shows UTC time do{ UTC_time[y]=data[x]; Serial.print(data[x]); y++; x++; } while(data[x]!=','); x++;
y=0; Serial.print("\r\nAltitude: "); //shows altitude do{ UTC_time[y]=data[x]; Serial.print(data[x]); y++; x++; } while(data[x]!=','); Serial.println(" m"); x++;
y=0; Serial.print("Speed: "); //shows speed do{ speed_OG[y]=data[x]; Serial.print(data[x]); y++; x++; } while(data[x]!=0x0D); Serial.println(" knots"); } else{ Serial.println("GPS information not available, please wait..."); }
} </syntaxhighlight>
A-GPS Mode
For the A-GPS the module connects to a GPS server for calculate the position. Here is the example code:
MS-assisted | Server | Module |
Location server sends aiding data that is valid for the current fix | Sending Data | |
Module sends code phases | Code phases | |
Server calculates position | Calculate position | |
MS-based | Server | Module |
Location server sends aiding data that is valid for the current fix | Send aiding data | |
Module calculates | Calculate position | |
Stand alone | Server | Module |
Module demodulates data form GPS satellite | Demodulates GPS satellite data | |
Module calculates position | Calculate position |
GPS Units
The command AT+CGPSINFO returns the GPS info in a string:
+CGPSINFO: [<latitude>],[<N/S>],[<longitude>],[<E/W>],[<date>],[<UTC_time>],[<altitude>],[<speedOG>],[<course>]
Values | Format | Example |
latitude | ddmm.mmmmmm
d: degree; m: minute |
4140.831527 |
longitude | dddmm.mmmmmm
d: degree; m: minute |
00053.173495 |
data | ddmmyy
d: day; m: month; y: year |
020812 |
altitude | meters | 257.00 |
speedOG | knots | 2 |
course | degrees | 0 |
If UE-assisted mode, when fixed will report indication:
Values | Format | Example |
latitude | Unit is in 10^8 degree | 4168050885 |
longitude | Unit is in 10^8 degree | 88618039 |
altitude | meters | 293 |
date | ddmmyyyy
d: day; m: month; y: year |
28092012 |
UTC_time | hhmmss.s
h: hour; m: minute; s: seconds |
081611.0 |
Command Summary
Command | Response | Description |
AT+CGSOCKCONT=**,&&& | OK | ** is the protocol and &&& Access Point Name. |
AT+CGPS=*,& | OK | * sets on (1) or off (0) and & is the GPS mode. |
AT+CGPSINFO | Gets current position information. | |
AT+CGPSURL=”***” | OK | Sets AGPS default server URL . *** is the URL. |
AT+CGPSSSL=* | OK | Select transport security, used certificate (*=1) or not (*=0). |
AT+CGPSSWITCH | OK | Choose the output port for NMEA sentence. |
Sending and Receiving SMS
The first code is used to send a SMS, the second one reads the SIM message memory and shows the last SMS.
<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
int timesToSend = 1; // Numbers of SMS to send int count = 0;
char phone_number[]="*********"; // ********* is the number to call
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i=0;i< 5;i++){ delay(5000); }
Serial.println("AT+CMGF=1"); // sets the SMS mode to text delay(100);
void loop(){
while (count < timesToSend){ delay(1500); Serial.print("AT+CMGS=\""); // send the SMS number Serial.print(phone_number); Serial.println("\""); delay(1500); Serial.print("Hola caracola..."); // the SMS body delay(500); Serial.write(0x1A); //sends ++ Serial.write(0x0D); Serial.write(0x0A);
count++; }
} </syntaxhighlight>
another code <syntaxhighlight lang="c">
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * * Version 0.1 */
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
int timesToSend = 1; // Numbers of SMS to send int count = 0;
int n_sms,x,sms_start; char data[256];
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i = 0;i < 5;i++){ delay(5000); }
Serial.println("AT+CMGF=1"); // sets the SMS mode to text delay(100); x = 0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++;
} while(!((data[x-1] == 'K') && (data[x-2] == 'O')));
void loop(){
while (count < timesToSend){ delay(1500);
while(Serial.available()!=0) Serial.read();
Serial.println("AT+CPMS=\"SM\",\"SM\",\"SM\""); //selects SIM memory Serial.flush(); for (x=0;x < 255;x++){ data[x]='\0'; } x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++;
}while(!((data[x-1] == 'K') && (data[x-2] == 'O')));
x=0; do{ x++; }while (data[x] != ' ');
x++; n_sms=0; do{ n_sms*=10; n_sms=n_sms + (data[x]-0x30);
}while (data[x] != ','); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(n_sms,DEC);
// Now it shows the total number of SMS and the last SMS
Serial.println(" SMS stored in SIM memory. Showing last SMS:");
Serial.print("AT+CMGR="); //Reads the last SMS Serial.println(n_sms-1,DEC); Serial.flush(); for (x=0;x < 255;x++){ data[x]='\0'; } x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; if((data[x-1] == 0x0D) && (data[x-2] == '"')){ x=0; } } while(!((data[x-1] == 'K') && (data[x-2] == 'O')));
data[x-3]='\0'; //finish the string before the OK
Serial.println(data); //shows the message
count++; }
} </syntaxhighlight>
Command Summary
Command | Response | Description |
AT+CMGF= | OK | Specifies the input and output format of the short messages. 0 for PDU mode and 1 for text mode. |
AT+CMGS | Sends a message. | |
AT+CPMS=*** | Selects memory storages. *** is the memory type. | |
AT+CMGR=* | Reads a message. * is the number of the message. |
Sending an E-mail
To send e-mail a SMTP server is used, so we need an e-mail account. The code example is the next:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
int x;
//server and account data char server[ ]=""; char user_name[ ]=""; char password[ ]=""; char port[ ]="";
//information about sender, direcctions and names char sender_add[ ]=""; char sender_name[ ]="";
char to_add[ ]=""; char to_name[ ]="";
char cc_add[ ]=""; char cc_name[ ]="";
char bcc_add[ ]=""; char bcc_name[ ]="";
// char subject[ ]=""; char body[ ]="";
char response[128];
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i=0;i< 5;i++){ delay(5000); }
void loop(){
Serial.print("AT+SMTPSRV=\""); //configures the SIM5218 with server name and port Serial.print(server); Serial.print("\","); Serial.println(port); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); response[x]=Serial.read(); x++; } while(!(response[x-1]=='K'&&response[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.print("AT+SMTPAUTH=1,\""); //configures the SIM5218 with user name and password Serial.print(user_name); Serial.print("\",\""); Serial.print(password); Serial.println("\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); response[x]=Serial.read(); x++; } while(!(response[x-1]=='K'&&response[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.print("AT+SMTPFROM=\""); //sender adress and name Serial.print(sender_add); Serial.print("\",\""); Serial.print(sender_name); Serial.println("\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); response[x]=Serial.read(); x++; } while(!(response[x-1]=='K'&&response[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.print("AT+SMTPRCPT=0,0,\""); //normal recipient address and name Serial.print(to_add); Serial.print("\",\""); Serial.print(to_name); Serial.println("\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); response[x]=Serial.read(); x++; } while(!(response[x-1]=='K'&&response[x-2]=='O'));
//If you don't need a carbon copy, delete this part Serial.print("AT+SMTPRCPT=1,0,\""); //carbon copy recipient address and name Serial.print(cc_add); Serial.print("\",\""); Serial.print(cc_name); Serial.println("\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); response[x]=Serial.read(); x++; } while(!(response[x-1]=='K'&&response[x-2]=='O'));
//If you don't need a blind carbon copy, delete this part Serial.print("AT+SMTPRCPT=2,0,\""); //blind carbon copy recipient address and name Serial.print(bcc_add); Serial.print("\",\""); Serial.print(bcc_name); Serial.println("\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); response[x]=Serial.read(); x++; } while(!(response[x-1]=='K'&&response[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.print("AT+SMTPSUB=\""); //subjec of email Serial.print(subject); Serial.println("\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); response[x]=Serial.read(); x++; } while(!(response[x-1]=='K'&&response[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.print("AT+SMTPBODY=\""); //body of email Serial.print(body); Serial.println("\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); response[x]=Serial.read(); x++; } while(!(response[x-1]=='K'&&response[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.println("AT+CGSOCKCONT=1,\"IP\",\"myapn\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); response[x]=Serial.read(); x++; } while(!(response[x-1]=='K'&&response[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.println("AT+SMTPSEND"); //sends the email Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); response[x]=Serial.read(); x++; } while(!(response[x-1]=='K'&&response[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.print("Sending email...");
x=0; do{ do{ digitalWrite(led,HIGH); } while(Serial.available()==0); digitalWrite(led,LOW); response[x]=Serial.read(); x++; } while(!(response[x-1]=='S'&&response[x-2]=='S'));
} </syntaxhighlight>
Receiving an E-mail
For read an e-mail from a POP3 server we need an e-mail account. The code example is here: <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
int x;
//server and account data char server[ ]=""; char user_name[ ]=""; char password[ ]=""; char port[ ]="";
char data[1024];
char path[50];
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i=0;i< 5;i++){ delay(5000); }
Serial.println("AT+CGSOCKCONT=1,\"IP\",\"myapn\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
void loop(){
Serial.print("AT+POP3SRV=\""); //configures the SIM5218 with server name, user, password and port Serial.print(server); Serial.print("\",\""); Serial.print(user_name); Serial.print("\",\""); Serial.print(password); Serial.print("\","); Serial.println(port); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; } while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.println("AT+POP3IN"); //logs into the server Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.println("AT+POP3GET=1"); //gets the first email Serial.flush();
do{ while(Serial.available()==0); path[0]=Serial.read(); }while(path[0]!='/');
do{ while(Serial.available()==0); path[0]=Serial.read(); } while(path[0]!='/');
x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); path[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(path[x-1]!=' ');
x--; //overwrite " " charracter x--; //overwrite "," charracter
do{ while(Serial.available()==0); path[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(path[x-1]!=0x0D); path[x-1]='\0';
Serial.println("AT+POP3OUT"); //logs out the server Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.println("AT+FSCD=C:/Email"); //selects email directory as current directory Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.print("AT+POP3READ=0,\""); //shows the email Serial.print(path); Serial.println("\""); Serial.flush(); do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[0]=Serial.read(); }while(data[0]!='D'); do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[0]=Serial.read(); }while(data[0]!='D'); x=1; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; if(x==1020){ Serial.print(data); x=0; } }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'&&data[x-3]==0x0A&&data[x-4]==0x0D));
data[x-2]='\0'; Serial.println(data); while(1);
} </syntaxhighlight>
Command Summary
Command | Response | Description |
AT+CGSOCKCONT=**,&&& | OK | ** is the protocol and &&& Access Point Name. |
AT+SMTPSRV=”*****”,&&& | OK | Sets SMTP server address and server’s port . ***** is the sever address and &&& is the server's port. |
AT+SMTPAUTH=1,”***”,”&&&” | OK | Controls SMTP authentication. *** is the user name and &&& is the password. |
AT+SMTPFROM=”***”,”&&&” | OK | Sets sender’s address and nam e. *** is the sender's address and &&& is the sender's name. |
AT+SMTPRCPT=x,”***”,”&&&” | OK | Sets recipient address/name and kind .
x is the kind (TO/CC/BCC), *** is the recipient address and &&& is the recipient name. |
AT+SMTPSUB=”****” | OK | Sets the subject of e-mail . **** is the subject. |
AT+SMTPBODY | Sets e-mail body. | |
AT+SMTPSEND | Initiates TCP session with SMTP server and sends an e-mail | |
AT+POP3SRV=”**”,”&&”,”xx”,yy | OK | Sets all parameters to get an e-mail from POP3 . ** is the server address, && is the user name,
xx is the password and yy the server port |
AT+POP3IN | OK | Logs in POP3 server |
AT+POP3GET=*** | Gets an e-mail from POP3 server , *** is the number of the e-mail. | |
AT+POP3OUT | OK | Logs out POP3 server |
AT+POP3READ=”***”,”&&&” | Reads an e-mail from file system . *** is the location and &&& is the name. |
SD and system memory
The file system is used to store files in a hierarchical (tree) structure. Local storage space is mapped to “C:”, and SD is mapped to “D:”. In both “C:” and “D:” directories, module creates four directories named “Picture”, “Audio”, “Video” and “VideoCall” automatically; “Picture” is used to store static image when taking picture by camera, “Audio” is used to store audio file, “Video” is used to store video file when recor ding by camera, and “VideoCall” is used to store media file which is recorded during a video call.
The maximum size of the microSD card is 32GB. Here are some AT commands to manage the file system:
Command | Response | Description |
AT+FSCD=**** | OK | Select a directory as current directory . **** is the directory. |
AT+FSMKDIR=**** | OK | Create a new directory in current directory . **** is the name of the new directory. |
AT+FSRMDIR=**** | OK | Delete existing directory in current directory . **** is the name of the directory to delete. |
AT+FSLS | Make a list with informations of directories and/or files in current directory. | |
AT+DEL=**** | OK | Delete a file in current directory. **** is the name of the file to delete. |
AT+FSRENAME=****,&&& | OK | Rename a file in current directory. **** is the actual name and &&& is the new name. |
AT+FSATTRI=**** | Request the attributes of file which is existing in current directory. **** is the name of the file. | |
AT+FSMEM | Check the size of available memory. | |
AT+FSFMT | OK | Format storage card which is plugged in. |
AT+FSLOCA= | OK | Set the storage place , 0 for local and 1 for SD |
Creating a file into the FTP server, writing it and reading it.
<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
char data[1024]; int x=0; int file_size;
char server[ ]=""; char port[ ]=""; char user_name[ ]=""; char password[ ]="";
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i=0;i< 5;i++){ delay(5000); }
Serial.println("AT+CGSOCKCONT=1,\"IP\",\"myapn\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
void loop() {
Serial.print("AT+CFTPSERV=\""); //Sets the FTP server Serial.print(server); Serial.println("\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.print("AT+CFTPPORT="); //Sets FTP port Serial.println(port); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.print("AT+CFTPUN=\""); //Sets the user name Serial.print(user_name); Serial.println("\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.print("AT+CFTPPW=\""); //Sets password Serial.print(password); Serial.println("\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.println("AT+CFTPMODE=1"); //Selects pasive mode Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.println("AT+CFTPTYPE=I"); //Selects Binary mode Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.println("AT+CFTPPUT=\"/test.txt\""); //Creates a file and sends data (ASCII) Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()]!='N'); //Waits 'N' from BEGIN
Serial.println("01234567890123456789"); //Data for the file Serial.write(0x1A); //EOL character Serial.write(0x0D); Serial.write(0x0A);
do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.println("AT+CFTPGET=\"/test.txt\""); //Reads the data from test file Serial.flush();
x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while((data[x-1]!=','));
x=0; while(Serial.peek()!=0x0A){ file_size=(file_size*10)+(Serial.read()-0x30); };
for(x=0;x< file_size;x++){ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); } Serial.print(data);
Uploading a file from local storage or SD to FTP server.
<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
char data[256]; int x=0;
char server[ ]=""; char port[ ]=""; char user_name[ ]=""; char password[ ]="";
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i=0;i< 5;i++){ delay(5000); }
Serial.println("AT+CGSOCKCONT=1,\"IP\",\"myapn\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
void loop() {
Serial.print("AT+CFTPSERV=\""); //Sets the FTP server Serial.print(server); Serial.println("\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.print("AT+CFTPPORT="); //Sets FTP port Serial.println(port); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.print("AT+CFTPUN=\""); //Sets the user name Serial.print(user_name); Serial.println("\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.print("AT+CFTPPW=\""); //Sets password Serial.print(password); Serial.println("\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.println("AT+CFTPMODE=1"); //Selects pasive mode Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
//Selecciona el tipo ASCII Serial.println("AT+CFTPTYPE=I"); //Selects Binary mode Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O')); Serial.println("AT+CFTPPUTFILE=\"/testfile.txt\",0"); //Uploads a test file into FTP server. Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
} </syntaxhighlight>
Downloading a file from FTP server or SD to local storage.
<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
char data[1024]; int x=0;
char server[ ]=""; char port[ ]=""; char user_name[ ]=""; char password[ ]="";
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i=0;i< 5;i++){ delay(5000); }
Serial.println("AT+CGSOCKCONT=1,\"IP\",\"myapn\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
void loop() {
Serial.print("AT+CFTPSERV=\""); //Sets the FTP server Serial.print(server); Serial.println("\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.print("AT+CFTPPORT="); //Sets FTP port Serial.println(port); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.print("AT+CFTPUN=\""); //Sets the user name Serial.print(user_name); Serial.println("\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.print("AT+CFTPPW=\""); //Sets password Serial.print(password); Serial.println("\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.println("AT+CFTPMODE=1"); //Selects pasive mode Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
//Selecciona el tipo ASCII Serial.println("AT+CFTPTYPE=I"); //Selects Binary mode Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.println("AT+CGSOCKCONT=1,\"IP\",\"myapn\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
//Envia data Serial.println("AT+CFTPGETFILE=\"/testfile.txt\",0"); //Downloads a test file from FTP server. Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
} </syntaxhighlight>
Creating a file into the FTP server, writing it and reading it (likes FTP codes) <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
char data[1024]; int x=0; unsigned int file_size=0;
char server[ ]="";
char port[ ]="";
char user_name[ ]="";
char password[ ]="";
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for(int i=0;i< 5;i++){ delay(5000); }
Serial.println("AT+CGSOCKCONT=1,\"IP\",\"myapn\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
void loop() {
Serial.println("AT+CFTPSSTART"); //Acquires FTPS protocol stack Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.print("AT+CFTPSLOGIN=\""); //Logs into FTPS server Serial.print(server); Serial.print("\","); Serial.print(port); Serial.print(",\""); Serial.print(user_name); Serial.print("\",\""); Serial.print(password); Serial.println("\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.println("AT+CFTPMODE=1"); //Selects pasive mode Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O')); Serial.println("AT+CFTPSTYPE=I"); //Selects Binary mode Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
//Envia data Serial.println("AT+CFTPSPUT=\"/test_file.txt\",13"); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(data[x-1]!='>'); Serial.write("Test message!");
x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); digitalWrite(13, LOW); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
delay(1000); Serial.println("AT+CFTPSGET=\"/test.txt\""); //Reads the data from test file Serial.flush();
x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while((data[x-1]!=','));
x=0; while(Serial.peek()!=0x0A){ file_size=(file_size*10)+(Serial.read()-0x30); };
for(x=0;x< file_size;x++){ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); } Serial.print(data);
} </syntaxhighlight>
Uploading a file from local storage or SD to FTP server <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
char data[256]; int x=0;
char server[ ]=""; char port[ ]=""; char user_name[ ]=""; char password[ ]="";
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // swithes the module ON
for(int i=0;i< 5;i++){ delay(5000); }
Serial.println("AT+CGSOCKCONT=1,\"IP\",\"myapn\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
void loop() {
Serial.println("AT+CFTPSSTART"); //Acquires FTPS protocol stack Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.print("AT+CFTPSLOGIN=\""); //Logs into FTPS server Serial.print(server); Serial.print("\","); Serial.print(port); Serial.print(",\""); Serial.print(user_name); Serial.print("\",\""); Serial.print(password); Serial.println("\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.println("AT+CFTPMODE=1"); //Selects pasive mode Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.println("AT+CFTPSTYPE=I"); //Selects Binary mode Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
//Envia data Serial.println("AT+CFTPSPUTFILE=\"/testfile.txt\",0"); //Uploads a test file from FTPS server. Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); digitalWrite(13, LOW); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
} </syntaxhighlight>
Downloading a file from FTP server or SD to local storage <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
char data[256]; int x=0;
char server[ ]=""; char port[ ]=""; char user_name[ ]=""; char password[ ]="";
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for(int i=0;i< 5;i++){ delay(5000); }
Serial.println("AT+CGSOCKCONT=1,\"IP\",\"myapn\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
void loop() {
Serial.println("AT+CFTPSSTART"); //Acquires FTPS protocol stack Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.print("AT+CFTPSLOGIN=\""); //Logs into FTPS server Serial.print(server); Serial.print("\","); Serial.print(port); Serial.print(",\""); Serial.print(user_name); Serial.print("\",\""); Serial.print(password); Serial.println("\""); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.println("AT+CFTPMODE=1"); //Selects pasive mode Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.println("AT+CFTPSTYPE=I"); //Selects Binary mode Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
//Envia data Serial.println("AT+CFTPSGETFILE=\"/testfile.txt\",0"); //Downloads a test file from FTPS server. Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); digitalWrite(13, LOW); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
} </syntaxhighlight>
Command and Summary
Command | Response | Description |
AT+CGSOCKCONT=**,&&& | OK | ** is the protocol and &&& Access Point Name. |
AT+CFTPSERV=”****” | Sets FTP server domain name or IP address. **** is the domain name or the IP. | |
AT+CFTPPORT=*** | OK | Sets FTP server port. *** is the port. |
AT+CFTPUN=”***” | OK | Sets user name for FTP server access. *** is the user name. |
AT+CFTPPW=”***” | OK | Sets password for FTP server access. *** is the password. |
AT+CFTPMODE= | OK | Sets FTP mode. 1 for passive or 0 for proactive. |
AT+CFTPTYPE= | OK | Sets the transfer type on FTP server . A for ASCII or I for binary. |
AT+CFTPPUT=”***”,&& | Puts a file from FTP server to serial port . *** is the path with the name of the file and && is the length. | |
AT+CFTPGET=”***” | Gets a file from FTP server to serial port . *** is the path with the name of the file. | |
AT+CFTPPUTFILE=”***”,& | Uploads a file to FTP server from module . *** is the path and & is the storage directory. | |
AT+CFTPGETFILE”=***”,& | Downloads a file from FTP server to module . *** is the path with the name and & is the storage directory. | |
AT+CFTPSSTART | OK | Acquires FTPS protocol stack. |
AT+CFTPSLOGIN=”**”,&&&,”xxx”,”yyy | OK | Logs in FTPS server. *** is the host address, &&& is the port, xxx is the user name and yyy is the password. |
AT+CFTPSTYPE= | OK | Sets the transfer type on FTPS server . A for ASCII or I for binary. |
AT+CFTPSPUT=”***”,&& | Puts a file from FTPS server to serial port . *** is the path with the name of the file and && is the length. | |
AT+CFTPSGET=”***” | Gets a file from FTPS server to serial port . *** is the path with the name of the file. | |
AT+CFTPSPUTFILE=”***”,& | Uploads a file to FTPS server from module . *** is the path and & is the storage directory. | |
AT+CFTPSGETFILE=”***”,& | Downloads a file from FTPS server to module . *** is the path with the name and & is the storage directory. |
UDP client
Sending data to a UDP server: <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
char data[1024];
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
int x = 0;
char name[20];
char server[ ]=""; char port[ ]="";
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i=0;i< 5;i++){ delay(5000); }
Serial.println("AT+CGSOCKCONT=1,\"IP\",\"myapn\""); Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='K');
void loop() {
Serial.print("AT+NETOPEN=\"UDP\","); //Opens the socket with the type of protocol and the port Serial.println(port); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='d'&&data[x-2]=='e')); //waits for response "Network opened"
Serial.print("AT+UDPSEND=12,\""); //Sends UDP data Serial.print(server); Serial.print("\","); Serial.println(port); Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='>');
Serial.println("Test message");
Serial.println("AT+NETCLOSE"); //Opens the socket with the type of protocol and the port Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='K');
} </syntaxhighlight>
TCP Client
Sending data to a TCP server: <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
char data[1024];
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
int x = 0;
char name[20];
char server[ ]=""; char port[ ]="";
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i=0;i< 5;i++){ delay(5000); } Serial.println("AT+CGSOCKCONT=1,\"IP\",\"myapn\""); Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='K');
void loop() {
Serial.print("AT+NETOPEN=\"TCP\","); //Opens the socket with the type of protocol and the port Serial.println(port); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='d'&&data[x-2]=='e')); //waits for response "Network opened" Serial.print("AT+TCPCONNECT=\""); //Connects with the server Serial.print(server); Serial.print("\","); Serial.println(port); Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='K');
Serial.println("AT+TCPWRITE=12"); //Sends TCP data Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='>');
Serial.println("Test message"); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O'));
Serial.println("AT+NETCLOSE"); //Opens the socket with the type of protocol and the port Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='K');
} </syntaxhighlight>
SIM5218 allows to use ten connections simultaneously. Here is the example code with a UDP and TCP connections. <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
char data[1024];
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
int x = 0;
char UDP_server[ ]=""; char UDP_port[ ]=""; char TCP_server[ ]=""; char TCP_port[ ]="";
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i=0;i< 5;i++){ delay(5000); } Serial.println("AT+CGSOCKCONT=1,\"IP\",\"myapn\""); Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='K');
void loop() {
Serial.println("AT+NETOPEN=,,1"); //Opens the socket in multiclient mode Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='d'&&data[x-2]=='e')); //waits for response "Network opened" Serial.println("AT+CIPOPEN=0,\"UDP\",\""); //Connects with the UDP server Serial.print(UDP_server); Serial.print("\","); Serial.println(UDP_port); Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='K'); Serial.println("AT+CIPOPEN=1,\"TCP\",\""); //Connects with the TCP server Serial.print(TCP_server); Serial.print("\","); Serial.println(TCP_port); Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='K');
Serial.println("AT+CIPSEND=0,16"); //Sends data to UDP server Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='>');
Serial.println("UDP test message"); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O')); Serial.println("AT+CIPSEND=1,16"); //Sends data to TCP server Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='>');
Serial.println("TCP test message"); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='K'&&data[x-2]=='O')); Serial.println("AT+CIPCLOSE=0"); //Closes UDP connection Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='K'); Serial.println("AT+CIPCLOSE=1"); //Closes TCP connection Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='K');
Serial.println("AT+NETCLOSE"); //Opens the socket with the type of protocol and the port Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='K');
} </syntaxhighlight>
TCP Server
SIM5218 allows to create a TCP server with a maximum of ten TCP clients. In this example the server send a message every 5 seconds to all clients. <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
char data[1024];
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
int x = 0;
char name[20];
int clients=-2; char port[ ]="";
void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i=0;i< 5;i++){ delay(5000); } Serial.println("AT+CGSOCKCONT=1,\"IP\",\"myapn\""); Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='K');
Serial.print("AT+NETOPEN=\"TCP\","); //Opens the socket with the type of protocol and the port Serial.println(port); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='d'&&data[x-2]=='e')); //waits for response "Network opened" Serial.println("AT+SERVERSTART"); //Starts TCP server Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='K');
void loop() {
Serial.println("AT+LISTCLIENT"); // List all of clients Serial.flush(); clients=-2; do{ if(Serial.read()==0x0D){ clients++; } }while(Serial.peek()!='K'));
for(int y=0;y< clients;y++){ Serial.print("AT+ACTCLIENT="); //activates the connection with the client Serial.println(y); while(Serial.read()!='K'));
Serial.println("AT+TCPWRITE=12"); //Sends TCP data Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='>');
Serial.println("Test message"); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='k'&&data[x-2]=='o')); Waits for "send ok"
Serial.print("AT+CLOSECLIENT="); //desactivates the connection with the client Serial.println(y); while(Serial.read()!='K')); }
} </syntaxhighlight>
Command and Summary
Command | Response | Description |
AT+NETOPEN=”***”,&& | Opens a socket . *** is the socket type and && is the port. | |
AT+NETCLOSE | OK | Closes socket. |
AT+UPDSEND | Sends UDP data. | |
| | ||
AT+TCPCONNECT=”***”,&& | Establishes TCP connection with TCP server. *** is the IP address and && is the port. | |
AT+TCPWRITE | Sends TCP data when the TCP connection is established. | |
AT+SERVERSTART | OK | Starts up TCP server. |
AT+LISTCLIENT | Lists all of clients’ information. | |
AT+ACTCLIENT=* | OK | Activates the specified client. * is the number of the client. |
AT+CLOSECLIENT=* | OK | Disconnects the specified client. * is the number of the client. |
| | ||
AT+CIPOPEN=*,”&&”,”xx”,yy | Establish a connection with TCP server or UDP server. * is the number of the connection,
&& is the type of transmision protocol, xx is the server IP and yy is the server port. | |
AT+CIPSEND | Sends some data to remote host in mult-client mode. | |
AT+CIPCLOSE=* | OK | Closes a specified connection in multi-client mode. * is the number of the connection. |
SIM5218 can launch a HTTP operation like GET or POST. Here is an example with GET operation: <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
char data[1024];
int data_size
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
int x = 0;
char server[ ]=""; char port[ ]=""; void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i=0;i< 5;i++){ delay(5000); } Serial.println("AT+CGSOCKCONT=1,\"IP\",\"myapn\""); Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='K');
void loop() {
Serial.print("AT+CHTTPACT=\""); //Connects with the HTTP server Serial.print(server); Serial.print("\","); Serial.println(port); Serial.flush(); x=0; do{ while(Serial.available()==0); data[x]=Serial.read(); x++; }while(!(data[x-1]=='T'&&data[x-2]=='S')); //waits for response "REQUEST" Serial.println("GET /index.html HTTP/1.1"); Serial.println("Host: www.mywebsite.com"); Serial.println("Content-Length: 0"); Serial.write(0x1A); //sends ++ Serial.write(0x0D); Serial.write(0x0A);
while(Serial.read()!='K'); while(Serial.read()!=' ');
data_size=0; do{ data_size*=10; data_size=data_size+(Serial.read()-0x30); }while(Serial.peek()!=0x0D);
for(x=0;x< data_size;x++){ data[x]=Serial.read(); }
} </syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- Version 0.1
- /
char data[1024];
int data_size
int led = 13;
int onModulePin = 2; // the pin to switch on the module (without press on button)
int x = 0;
char server[ ]=""; char port[ ]=""; void switchModule(){
digitalWrite(onModulePin,HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(onModulePin,LOW);
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // UART baud rate delay(2000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT); switchModule(); // switches the module ON
for (int i=0;i< 5;i++){ delay(5000); } Serial.println("AT+CGSOCKCONT=1,\"IP\",\"myapn\""); Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='K');
void loop() {
Serial.println("AT+CHTTPSSTART"); //Acquires HTTPS protocol stack Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='K');
Serial.println("AT+CHTTPSOPSE"); //Opens a new HTTPS session Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='K');
Serial.println("AT+CHTTPSSEND=63"); //Sends HTTPS request Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='>'); Serial.println("GET /index.html HTTP/1.1"); Serial.println("Host: www.mywebsite.com"); Serial.println("Content-Length: 0"); while(Serial.read()!='K');
Serial.println("AT+CHTTPSRECV=1"); //Receives HTTPS response Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!=',');
data_size=0; do{ data_size*=10; data_size=data_size+(Serial.read()-0x30); }while(Serial.peek()!=0x0D);
for(x=0;x< d ata_size;x++){ data[x]=Serial.read(); }
Serial.println("AT+CHTTPSCLSE"); //Closes a new HTTPS session Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='K');
Serial.println("AT+CHTTPSSTOP"); //Releases HTTPS protocol stack Serial.flush(); while(Serial.read()!='K');
} </syntaxhighlight>
Command and Summary
Command | Response | Description |
AT+CHTTPACT=”***”,&& | Launches a HTTP operation . *** is the server address and && is the port. | |
| | | ||
AT+CHTTPSSTART | OK | Acquires HTTPS protocol stack. |
AT+CHTTPSSTOP | OK | Releases HTTPS protocol stack. |
AT+CHTTPSOPSE | OK | Opens a new HTTPS session. |
AT+CHTTPSCLSE | OK | Closes the opened HTTPS session. |
AT+CHTTPSSEND=* | Sends HTTPS request. * is the length of the data in the sending buffer. | |
AT+CHTTPSRECV=* | Receives HTTPS response after sending HTTPS request. |