Revision as of 02:01, 14 April 2014 by Qian.zhang (talk | contribs)
This is a LED bar with Linker kit standard connection.
Application Ideas
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
- define PORT_Data PORTB
- define PORT_Clk PORTB
- define DATA_Pin 8 //DATA IN
- define CLK_Pin 9 //CLK IN
- define BIT_Data 0x01
- define BIT_Clk 0x02
- define CmdMode 0x0000 //Work on 8-bit mode
- define ON 0x00ff //8-bit 1 data
- define SHUT 0x0000 //8-bit 0 data
//Send 16_bit data void send16bitData(unsigned int data) {
for(unsigned char i=0;i<16;i++) { if(data&0x8000) { PORT_Data |= BIT_Data; } else { PORT_Data &=~ BIT_Data; }
PORT_Clk ^= BIT_Clk; data <<= 1; }
//latch routine for MY9221 data exchange void latchData(void) {
PORT_Data &=~ BIT_Data; delayMicroseconds(10); for(unsigned char i=0;i<8;i++) { PORT_Data ^= BIT_Data; }
//Initializing pins void setup() {
pinMode(DATA_Pin,OUTPUT); //Data pin pinMode(CLK_Pin,OUTPUT); //CLK pin
//Send 12 road led brightness data void sendLED(unsigned int LEDstate) {
unsigned char i; for(i=0;i<12;i++) { if(LEDstate&0x0001) send16bitData(ON); else send16bitData(SHUT);
// if(i!=11)
LEDstate=LEDstate>>1; }
//If you want turn on the first red led,you can do it like this: sendLED(0x0001); //The second led: sendLED(0x0002); void loop() {
unsigned int i=0x0000; while(i<=0x03ff) { send16bitData(CmdMode); //set first LED Bar mode sendLED(i); //send first LED Bar data send16bitData(CmdMode); //set second LED Bar mode,if you do not use two LED Bar work together(connect one by one),you can delete this line. sendLED(i); //send second LED Bar data,if you do not use two LED Bar work together(connect one by one),you can delete this line. latchData(); //make it come into effect i=i*2+1; delay(100); }
} </syntaxhighlight>
Sample Code
How to buy
Here to buy LED Bar on store