
From LinkSprite Playgound
Revision as of 03:21, 5 December 2012 by Katherine.d (talk | contribs) (Sample Code)
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Part List

  • DFRduio Duemilanove or Compatible Arduino Controller (1 unit)
  • Buzzer (1 unit)
  • Prototyping Shield (1 unit)
  • Mini Breadboard (1 unit)
  • Jumper Cables (2 units)

Connection Diagram


Sample Code

<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> //For Arduino Start kit //Compatible with all Arduino version //Last updated 2011-1-13 //

int buzzer=8;//Connect the buzz positive Pin to Digital Pin 8 void setup() {

 pinMode(buzzer,OUTPUT);//Set Pin Mode as output

} void loop() {

 unsigned char i,j;
   for(i=0;i<80;i++) //Sound effect 1
     digitalWrite(buzzer,HIGH);//Make some sound
     delay(1);//Delay 1ms
     digitalWrite(buzzer,LOW);//Be quiet 
     delay(1);//Delay 1ms
   for(i=0;i<100;i++) //Sound effect 2
     digitalWrite(buzzer,HIGH);//Make some sound
     delay(2);//Delay 2ms
     digitalWrite(buzzer,LOW);//Be quiet
     delay(2);//Delay 2ms

} </syntaxhighlight>