SIM900 GPRS/GSM Shield

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The SIM900 GSM/GPRS Shield provides you a way to use the GSM cell phone network to receive data from a remote location. The shield allows you to achieve this via any of the three methods:

  • Short Message Service
  • Audio
  • GPRS Service

The GPRS Shield is compatible with all boards which have the same form factor (and pinout) as a standard Arduino Board. The GPRS Shield is configured and controlled via its UART using simple AT commands. Based on the SIM900 module from SIMCOM, the GPRS Shield is like a cell phone. Besides the communications features, the GPRS Shield has 12 GPIOs, 2 PWMs and an ADC.



  • Based on SIMCom's SIM900 Module
  • Quad-Band 850 / 900/ 1800 / 1900 MHz - would work on GSM networks in all countries across the world.
  • Control via AT commands - Standard Commands: GSM 07.07 & 07.05 | Enhanced Commands: SIMCOM AT Commands.
  • Short Message Service - so that you can send small amounts of data over the network (ASCII or raw hexadecimal).
  • Embedded TCP/UDP stack - allows you to upload data to a web server.
  • Speaker and Headphone jacks - so that you can send DTMF signals or play recording like an answering machine.
  • SIM Card holder and GSM Antenna - present onboard.
  • 12 GPIOs, 2 PWMs and an ADC (all 2.8 volt logic) - to augment your Arduino.
  • Low power consumption - 1.5mA(sleep mode)
  • Industrial Temperature Range - -40°C to +85 °C

Application Ideas

  • M2M (Machine 2 Machine) Applicatoions - To transfer control data using SMS or GPRS between two machines located at two different factories.
  • Remote control of appliances - Send SMS while you are at your office to turn on or off your washing machine at home.
  • Remote Weather station or a Wireless Sensor Network : Create a sensor node capable of transferring sensor data (like from a weather station - temperature, humidity etc.) to a web server (like
  • Interactive Voice Response System - Couple the GPRS Shield with an MP3 Decoder and DTMF Decoder (besides an Arduino) to create an Interactive Vocice Response System (IVRS).
  • Vehicle Tracking System - Couple the GPRS Shield with an Arduino and GPS module and install it in your car and publish your location live on the internet. Can be used as a automotive burglar alarm.


  • Make sure your SIM card is unlocked.
  • The product is provided as is without an insulating enclosure. Please observe ESD precautions specially in dry (low humidity) weather.
  • The factory default setting for the GPRS Shield UART is 19200 bps 8-N-1. (Can be changed using AT commands).


Item Min Typical Max Unit
Voltage 4.8 5.0 5.2 VDC
Current / 50 450 mA
Dimension(with antenna) 110x58x19 mm
Net Weight 76±2 g

Interface Function

Power select - select the power supply for GPRS shield(external power or 5v of arduino)
Power jack - connected to external 4.8~5VDC power supply
Antenna interface - connected to external antenna
Serial port select - select either software serial port or hareware serial port to be connected to GPRS Shield
Hardware Serial - D0/D1 of Arduino/Seeeduino
Software serial - D7/D8 of Arduino/Seeeduino only
Status LED - tell whether the power of SIM900 is on
Net light - tell the status about SIM900 linking to the net
UART of SIM900 - UART pins breakout of SIM900
Microphone - to answer the phone call
Speaker - to answer the phone call
GPIO,PWM and ADC of SIM900 - GPIO,PWM and ADC pins breakout of SIM900
Power key - power up and down for SIM900

Pins usage on Arduino

D0 - Unused if you select software serial port to communicate with GPRS Shield
D1 - Unused if you select software serial port to communicate with GPRS Shield
D2 - Unused
D3 - Unused
D4 - Unused
D5 - Unused
D6 - Unused
D7 - Used if you select software serial port to communicate with GPRS Shield
D8 - Used if you select software serial port to communicate with GPRS Shield
D9 - Used for software control the power up or down of the SIM900
D10 - Unused
D11 - Unused
D12 - Unused
D13 - Unused
D14(A0) - Unused
D15(A1) - Unused
D16(A2) - Unused
D17(A3) - Unused
D18(A4) - Unused
D19(A5) - Unused
Note: A4 and A5 are connected to the I2C pins on the SIM900. The SIM900 however cannot be accessed via the I2C .

A Simple Source Code Example

The demo code below is for the Arduino to send SMS message/dial a voice call/submit a http request to a website and upload datas to the pachube. It has been tested on Arduino Duemilanove but will work on any compatible variant, plesse note that this sketch uses the sorfware UART of ATmega328P. please follow the following steps for running this sketch.

  • With the GPRS Shield removed, download this sketch into your Arduino.
  • Disconnect the Xduino from USB port to remove power source.
  • Set the Serial Port jumpers on the GPRS Shield in SWserial position, to use the Soft Serial port of Arduino.
  • Connect the antenna to the GPRS Shield and insert the SIM Card.
  • Mount the GPRS Shield on Arduino.
  • Connect the Arduino to the computer by USB, and fire up your favorite serial terminal software on computer, choose the COM port for Arduino, set it to operate at 19200 8-N-1.
  • Type command in the terminal to execute different function, threr are 4 functions in the demo:
    • If you input 't', the demo will send a SMS message to another cellphone which you set(you need set the number in the code);
    • If you input 'd', the program will dial a call to the other cellphone that you set(it is also need you set in the code );
    • If you input 'h', it will submit a http request to a web that you want to access(it need you set the web adress in the code), it will return a string from the website if it goes correctly;
    • If you input 's', it will upload the datas to the pachube(for detail you can refer to the explanation in the code). I strongly recommend you input 'h' before input 's', because uploading data to the pachube need do some setting, after execute the function of submit a http request, the setting will be set.
  • If the program returns error in the terminal after you typed the command, don't worry, just try input the command again.

