JUNIPER- WiFi Shield for Arduino Based on GainSpan Module
A low-power WiFi shield that is compatible with Arduino and STM32 Spruce board. Gainspan GS1011 module is a highly integrated ultra low power wireless single chip which contains an 802.11b radio, media access controller (MAC) and baseband processor, on-chip flash memory and SRAM, and an applications processor all on a single package.
The GS1011 module is a highly integrated ultra low power wireless single chip which contains an 802.11b radio, media access controller (MAC) and baseband processor, on-chip flash memory and SRAM, and an applications processor all on a single package.
Along with its embedded software stack it offers a highly scalable, reliable, manageable and secure wireless link to meet the growing demand of wireless sensor networks utilizing the broadly accepted IEEE 802.11b,g,n standards infrastructure.
Video Introduction
- Supports IEEE 802.11
- Seamlessly integrates with existing 802.11b/g infrastructure and utilizes the 802.11 security, manageability, ease-of-use, and quality of service
- 802.11i/WPA2 Authentication, AES Hardware encryption
- Optimized for battery powered application with very low power consumption for multiple years of battery life
- PCB antenna: Range 200-300M+ Outdoor (Typical Estimate)
- Two 32-bit ARM7 CPU @44MHz, 1 for applications (APP) : 1 dedicated to radio (WLAN)
- 2 UART , I2C, 2 SPI, 2 ADC, 3 PWM, and 32 GPIO
- Operates at 3.3V
Application Ideas
- Juniper Gainspan Shield Sample Code for Spruce
<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> // Spruce Sample Code //This sample code will move the data between serial port
int inByte; void setup() {
Serial1.begin(9600); Serial2.begin(9600); delay(1000); Serial2.println("AT"); delay(100); Serial2.println("AT+WD"); delay(100); Serial2.println("AT+WS"); // Search for server delay(100); Serial2.println("AT+NDHCP=1"); delay(100); //Serial2.print("AT+WWPA=12345678"); //delay(100); Serial2.println("AT+WA=only_test"); delay(100); Serial2.println("AT+NSTCP=5000"); //Initalize the wifi module as server,set server port. The server IP is displayed on the serial port //Serial2.println("AT+NCTCP=,5000"); //Initialize the wifi module as client, and connect to server:锛�5000 //delay(5000); //Serial2.print("1B 53 30 48 45 4C 4F 0D 0A 1B 45"); //delay(100); //Serial2.print("AT+DGPIO=30,1"); //delay(100); //Serial2.print("AT+DGPIO=30,0");
void loop() {
if (Serial2.available()) { inByte =; Serial1.print(inByte, BYTE); //Display the data from wifi on serial port }
After wifi receives the command, the correct reponse will be as follows锛�
AT OK //AT test command
AT+WD OK //Close all the connections
//Search for the APs
Type RSSI Security
e0:05:c5:45:48:90, only_test , 04, INFRA , -55 , WPA-PERSONAL
78:44:76:02:00:9a, LS-TEST , 11, INFRA , -44 , WPA-PERSONAL
No.Of AP Found:2
AT+NDHCP=1 OK //Dynamically allocat IP
AT+WWPA=******* OK //Password
AT+WA=only_test //SSID
IP SubNet Gateway
AT+NCTCP=,8010CONNECT 0 //Connect to the host through TCP/IP
AT+DGPIO=30,1OK //Turn on the LED
AT+DGPIO=30,0OK //Turn off the LED
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO //When transmitting, 00 is correct reponse. 0x1B is the ASCII of key <esc>.
- /
- Arduino Sample Code of Juniper GainSpan WiFi Shield
<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /*
LinkSprite. com This is a sample arduino code juniper, the gainspain wifi shield for aruino When using this code, please install J2 and J3, and remove J4 and J5.
- /
- include <NewSoftSerial.h>
NewSoftSerial mySerial(2, 3);
int inByte;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); mySerial.begin(9600); delay(1000); mySerial.println("AT"); delay(100); mySerial.println("AT+WD"); delay(100); mySerial.println("AT+WS"); // search for wifi ap delay(1000); mySerial.println("AT+NDHCP=1"); delay(100); mySerial.println("AT+WA=only_test"); delay(100); mySerial.println("AT+NSTCP=5000"); //initialize gainspan as server, and set server port, the server IP will be displayed on the serial port
void loop() // run over and over {
if (mySerial.available()) { inByte =; Serial.print(inByte, BYTE); //Display the Wifi data on the serial port }
} </syntaxhighlight>
- As WiFi shares the Arduino hardware ports with FT232, when you download the programs, remove the WiFi module first.
- More details see: GS1011 data sheet,Schematic and samples.
Pin definition and Rating
Mechanic Dimensions
Hardware Installation
Prepare Hardware
- Juniper- WiFi Shield for Arduino Based on Gainspan Module
- Arduino Duemilanove module
Prepare Software
- X_CTU serial debugging tools
Download Link:setup_xctu_5100
- Parameter Setting
- Check the wifi serial connection is ok or not.
- Connect to the router and mail server.
- > AT(Enter)
- OK
- Search the wireless network in the certain range.
- > AT+WS(Enter)
- BSSID SSID Channel Type RSSI Security
- 00:12:34:56:78:90,"SOLID" ,6, INFRA, -53, NONE
- NO. O AP Found:1
- OK
- Permit dynamic host to set agreement
- > AT+NDHCP=1 (Enter)
- OK
- Security Mode
- (>AT+WWPA=Password,if router is WPA encrypted, put the password here)
- (>AT+WWEP=Password,if router is WEP encrypted, put the password here)
- > AT+WA=SOLID (Enter)
- Connect to the wireless network SOLID
- IP SubNet Gateway
- OK
- Connect to Yahoo mail box(STMP)
- > AT+NCTCP=,25 (Enter)
"Ok "S0220 smtp105 ESMTP
- According to command > S0hello worldE specified by gainspan, send to Yahoo mail server by 16 hex through serial.
- >1B 53 30 48 45 4C 4F 0D 0A 1B 45
- > S 0 H E L O Enter E
Return EOOS0250
- 0D 0A is Enter. You have to add this Enter after HELO string, or there will be no data returned from Yahoo server mail box.
- the key esc on the keyboard and ascii code value. It doesn’t means input esc string.
Please list your question here:
If you have questions or other better design ideas, you can go to our forum to discuss or creat a ticket for your issue at linksprite support.
How to buy
Here to buy Juniper Wifi Shield for Arduino Based on GainSpan Module on store
See Also
Other related products and resources.
This documentation is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0 Source code and libraries are licensed under GPL/LGPL, see source code files for details.