LED Cube Shield for Arduino
The 4x4x4 Light Cube shield uses 64 LEDs. It can be driven by pcDuino/Arduino directly.
Note: This is a kit and soldering is required.
The LED color will be blue.
Parts list:
- 70 X 3mm LED 白发蓝 脚长28mm [IT_LEDBLU5MM_FL28MM] [DC101101]
- 30 X 圆孔针PIN端子晶振座(Crystals seat) 光立方插针座 [IT_PIN_CRYSSEAT][WA101101]
- 1 X PCB板 for (4X4X4 LED) [IT_PCB_4X4X4LED] [FB101103]
- 1 X female 单排针 直脚2.54MM间距 1*40P Single row needle [IT_SIRWNE2.54MM_1X40P] [GA101101]
- 2根 Foot Jumper Wires Premium - Pack of 40- Male-to-Male with 20cm [IT_JUMR_MM_PK40_WI20CM][BB101104]
Application Ideas
- View-able planes" 5
- Pixel: Every pixel is represented by a LED.
- Distance between pixels: 14mm
- Number of pixels: 4 x 4 x 4
- Sockets to hold the cube: 20
- Size of PCB: 52.98mm x 77.81mm
Pin definition and Rating
Mechanic Dimensions
Hardware Installation
Assembly Instructions:
- Bend LED's Cathode leg (the shoter one)
- Divide LEDs into 4 layers, connect all cathode legs within the same layer
- Connect Anode legs between layers
- Finally connect anode legs of different layers to the shield.
Sample code can be downloaded from here.
If you have questions or other better design ideas, you can go to our forum to discuss or creat a ticket for your issue at linksprite support.
How to buy
Here to buy LED Cube Shield for Arduino on store
See Also
Other related products and resources.
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