1080x720 7" LVDS LCD with Capacitive Touch for pcDuino3

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Revision as of 01:22, 31 December 2014 by Qian.zhang (talk | contribs) (Introduction)
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This is a 7" LVDS LCD with capacitive touch for pcDuino3. It has a resolution of 1080x720.

Pcduino3 lvds screen V2 1.jpg

Pcduino3 lvds screen V2 2.jpg

Items Included:

  • 1 x LVDS screen
  • 1 x Driver board
  • 3 x Ribbon cable

Wire connection

We need to hook up the 6 pins headers using the included male to female jumper wires in the following way:

  • gnd of the LCD driver breakout board —> GND of pcDuino
  • scl of the LCD driver breakout board —> SCL of pcDuino
  • sda of the LCD driver breakout board –> SDA of pcDuino
  • rst of the LCD driver breakout board –> D10 of pcDuino
  • int of the LCD driver breakout board –> D9 of pcDuino
  • wale of the LCD driver breakout board –> D8 of pcDuino

And make sure that the FPC ribbon is installed correctly.

Lvds pcduino 1.jpg

Lvds pcduino 2.jpg

Lvds pcduino 3.jpg


To use the LVDS screen, you need update kernel of pcDuino3 ,and add the driver of touch screen gslx680
