1080x720 7" LVDS LCD with Capacitive Touch for pcDuino3
This is a 7" LVDS LCD with capacitive touch for pcDuino3. It has a resolution of 1080x720.
Items Included:
- 1 x LVDS screen
- 1 x Driver board
- 3 x Ribbon cable
Wire connection
We need to hook up the 6 pins headers using the included male to female jumper wires in the following way:
- gnd of the LCD driver breakout board —> GND of pcDuino
- scl of the LCD driver breakout board —> SCL of pcDuino
- sda of the LCD driver breakout board –> SDA of pcDuino
- rst of the LCD driver breakout board –> D10 of pcDuino
- int of the LCD driver breakout board –> D9 of pcDuino
- wale of the LCD driver breakout board –> D8 of pcDuino
And make sure that the FPC ribbon is installed correctly.
To use the LVDS screen, you need update kernel of pcDuino3 ,and add the driver of touch screen gslx680