Project Joystick Sensor Module

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 Analog input, analog output, serial output
Reads two analog input pins; a T000030 Jopystick Module Analog Sensor connected to I0 and I1, maps the result to a range from 0 to 255
and uses the result to set the pulsewidth modulation (PWM) two T010111 LED Module connected on O0 and O1.
Also prints the results to the serial monitor.
created  7 dec 2010
by Davide Gomba 
This example code is in the public domain.
#define O0 11
#define O1 10
#define O2 9
#define O3 6
#define O4 5
#define O5 3
#define I0 A0
#define I1 A1
#define I2 A2
#define I3 A3
#define I4 A4
#define I5 A5

// These constants won't change. They're used to give names // to the pins used: const int analogInPin1 = I0; // Analog input pin that the Joystick's first pin is attached to const int analogInPin2 = I1; // Analog input pin that the Joystick's second pin is attached to

const int analogOutPin1= O0; // Analog output pin that the LED is attached to const int analogOutPin2= O1; // Analog output pin that the LED is attached to

int sensorValue1 = 0; // value read from the Joystick's first pin int sensorValue2 = 0; // value read from the Joystick's second pin

int outputValue1 = 0; // value output to the PWM (analog out) int outputValue2 = 0; // value output to the PWM (analog out)

void setup() {

 // initialize serial communications at 9600 bps:


void loop() {

 // read the both analog in values:
 sensorValue1 = analogRead(analogInPin1);  
 sensorValue2 = analogRead(analogInPin2);  
 // map it to the range of the analog out:
 outputValue1 = map(sensorValue1, 0, 1023, 0, 255);  
 outputValue2 = map(sensorValue2, 0, 1023, 0, 255); 
 // change the analog out value:
 analogWrite(analogOutPin1, outputValue1);    
 analogWrite(analogOutPin2, outputValue2);   
 // print the results to the serial monitor:
 Serial.print("Joystick X = " );                       
 Serial.print("\t Joystick Y = " );                       
 Serial.print("\t output 1 = ");      
 Serial.print("\t output 2 = ");      
 // wait 10 milliseconds before the next loop
 // for the analog-to-digital converter to settle
 // after the last reading:

