[hide]ArduBlock for Linker Kit
ArduBlock is a tile-based visual programming environment, which is designed to make it easy to get start with programming Arduino. We believe that Linker kit is more suitable for starter than breadboard or protoboard approach. We have been working on adding Linkerkit into ArduoBlock.
Installation Guide
- Find the preference path:
- Copy ardublock-all.jar to \arduino-1.0.1\tools\ArduBlockTool\tool\ardublock-all.jar
- ardublock-all.jar can be downloaded from the link below.
- Launch ardublock by:
- Run ArduBlock on pcDuino
- Install ArduBlock on pcDuino following the steps above.
- Launch ArduBlock on pcDuino
- We can create a program by picking the elements in the left column to the work space in right column:
Linker Kit
Component List
Shields/Interface Boards
- Base Shield [LINKER_ARDUINOBASE][118101019]
- Linker kit Base Shield for Raspberry Pi with ADC Interface [LINKER_RPIBASE] [118101020]
- Linker Mezzanine card for 96board[105101022]
- 20cm Cables [LINKER_CAB20CM][118201001]
- 50cm Cables [LINKER_CAB50CM][118201002]
- 100cm Cables [LINKER_CAB100CM][118201003]
- 3mm Green LED Module [LINKER_3MMGREEN][118101001-9]
- 3mm Yellow LED Module [LINKER_3MYELLOW][118101001-1]
- 3mm Red LED Module [LINKER_3MMRED][118101001-4]
- 5mm Blue LED Module [LINKER_5MMBLUE][118101001-7]
- 5mm Green LED Module [LINKER_5MMGREEN][118101001-10]
- 5mm Yellow LED Module [LINKER_5MMYELLOW][118101001-2]
- 5mm Red LED Module [LINKER_5MMRED][118101001-5]
- 10mm Blue LED Module [LINKER_10MMBLUE][118101001-8]
- 10mm Green LED Module [LINKER_10MMGREEN][118101001-11]
- 10mm Yellow LED Module [LINKER_10MMYELLOW][118101001-3]
- 10mm Red LED Module [LINKER_10MMRED][118101001-6]
- LED Bar [LINKER_LEDBAR][118101013]
- 4-Digit 7-Segment Module [LINKER_4D7S][118101023]
- High Power Led Module [LINKER_HIGHPOWLED][118101017]
Buttons and Joystick
- Button Module [LINKER_BUTTON][118101002]
- Touch Sensor Module [LINKER_TOUSEN][118101007]
- Double Buttons Module [LINKER_DBTN][118102002]
- Joystick Sensor Module [LINKER_JOYSTK][118101016]
- LDR Module [LINKER_LDR][118101003]
- Tilt Module [LINKER_TLT][118101004]
- Thermal Module [LINKER_TEMP][118101005]
- Hall Sensor [LINKER_HALL][118101012]
- Magnetic Switch [LINKER_MAGSW][118101018]
- Oxygen Sensor [LINKER_O2] [118101031]
- Ultrasonic MEMS Sensor SPM0404UD5 [LINKER_ULTRASONIC][118101032]
- Linear/Slide Potentiometer Module [LINKER_LINEPOTENT][118101006]
- Relay Module [LINKER_RELAY][118101008]
- RTC Module [LINKER_RTC][118101009]
- Rotary Potentiometer Module [LINKER_ROTPOTENT][118101010]
- Buzzer Module [LINKER_BUZZER][118101011]
- Mosfet Module [LINKER_SSR][118101014]
- Sound Sensor [LINKER_SOUND][118101015]
- Accelerometer Module [LINKER_DIGI_ACCER][118101022]
- Infrared Receiver Module [LINKER_INFREV][118101021]
- OLED Module [LINKER_OLEDRET][118101030]
- Vibration Sensor Module [LINKER_VIBSEN][118101025]
- Flame Sensor Module [LINKER_FLAMESEN][118101026]
- Path Tracking Sensor Module [LINKER_PATHTRK][118101027]
- Infrared Distance Sensor [LINKER_INFDIS][118101024]
- Serial Servo Module [LINKER_SERSVO][118101028]
- Temperature and Humidity Sensor[LINKER_Tem]
- Linker Pressure Sensor[LINKER_BMP180]